Tag Archives: script gods must die

Not so long ago I did a post on action sequences highlighting Tarantino. If we’re doing rule breakers there’s no way I’m leaving out Shane Black. If you’re a Shane Black fan, stick around. If you think he’s THE most arrogant and over-rated motherfucker in the history of the written screenplay word…pass onward, Good Horseman! […]

Hello again, Good Reader. I have braved the four corners of the screenwriting hinterlands to bring you back these rare nuggets of wisdom. Translation: Too much homework this week. So we’ll hit the Links again. There’s some good stuff here. I hope you can use some of it in your own quest to get that […]

The Montage

December 20, 2015 0 Comment

“Montage is a technique in film editing in which a series of short shots are edited into a sequence to condense space, time, and information. The term has been used in various contexts. It was introduced to cinema primarily by Eisenstein and early Soviet directors used it as a synonym for creative editing. In France […]

Action Line POV 2

November 30, 2015 0 Comment

We recently went over Action Line POV looking at My Best Friend’s Wedding. How do the pros infuse their own personality into action lines? Remember, action lines are supposed to be what the camera is seeing now. The pros cheat this, big time. They infuse the objective with the subjective–meaning their own writing style. With […]

I had to cut off my last discussion on character introduction. I wanted to give you a few more examples of how the pros write character descriptions that make an impact. Remember, this is the first glimpse every producer and actor get at your characters so let’s pack up those 35, average height, wearing jeans […]